What's Balkan anyways?
The Story
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Gibanica – Serbian Cheese Pie
A savory Serbian pastry, with a lightly herbed dairy filling between layers of delicate fillo dough. Prep Time: 45 minutes Cook Time: 35 minutes …
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Baklava: Sugar Rush Is a Promise
Baklava is a sweet dessert made of layers of flaky phyllo pastry filled with crushed nuts and sweetened with honey…
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Gyros: the Most Famous Greek Dish
Gyros is a Greek dish. Common comfort food on Balkans. Ingredients: 2 lb / 1 kg chicken thigh fillets ,…
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Not a Burger – it’s Pljeskavica
Pljeskavica is not your average burger. These Serbian pork and beef patties are full of flavor and they are huge!!!!…
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Halva: Not Your Everyday Fudge
Halva is a Middle Eastern treat made from tahini that is similar to fudge, but much better! INGREDIENTS1 1/2 c. tahini3/4…
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